Selling I am Selling S3 Gold V Account. It has 96...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    I am Selling S3 Gold V Account. It has 96 Champions. 50-60 skins which are: foxfire ahri, silverfang akali, golden alistar, unchained alistar, robot amumu, frostfire annie, amethyst ashe, Iblitzcrank, officer caitlyn, red baron corki, bioforge darius, shadow evelyn, frosted ezreal, PULSEFIRE EZREAL, fisherman fizz, spooky gangplank, minuteman gangplank, mafia graves, nightblade irelia, frostblade irelia, warring kingdoms jarvan IV, angler jax, harbinger kassadin, bilgewater katarina, slay belle katarina, judgment kayle, swamp master kennen, mecha kha'zix, prestigious leblanc, traditional lee sin, iron solari leona, sorceress lux, shamrock malphite, samurai master yi, mafia miss fortune, blackthorn morgana, bewitching nidalee, head hunter nidalee, demolisher nunu, bladecraft orianna, galactic renekton, workshop shaco, hextech sion, guqin sona, dragonblade talon, bloodstone taric, super teemo, riot girl tristana, firefighter tristana, the magnificent twisted fate, heartseeker vayne, white mage veigar, feral warwick, commando xin zhao, shockblade zed, Skins you can't buy are: unchained alistar, red baron corki, angler jax, slay belle katarina, judgment kayle, swamp master kennen, shamrock malphite, bewitching nidalee, workshop shaco, hextech sion, riot girl tristana, firefighter tristana, the magnificent twisted fate, feral warwick It has 17 Rune pages and many runes (for every lane) It has 14 Summoner special summoner icons.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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