Selling  1-72 Hours I am here to help anyone boost a few levels lvl 1 to lvl 60 are the only ones i am down to help

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Boosting and Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by Silent486, 11/2/19.

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  1. Silent486

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    Easy i can get you from lvl 1 to lvl 20 for 5 bucks lvl 20 to lvl 30 for 7 bucks. After Level 30 every Level is One dollar as soon as i get on your account i will not log off till wizard is at level you want you pay me every 5 levels if thats the case not here but on PayPal i will deliver before you pay so only person here who can get scammed would be me so do not be a love you and pay up be fair above all and i do not mind doing business after lvl 60 but for all starters lvl 60 max. I will only do main quest if you want me to do sides instead then different prize depending on what you want its all about the level. For example if you did all main but no side and wish me only to do side to get your level up then depending on how long i take i will charge never anything that is unreasonable in fact could be less depending on how fast i get it all done. Gold is not my issue i will be gathering the best equipment in the game and putting it in your share chest or house if full wont sell equipment unless double and Tc i wont Touch at all only main cards will be used in battle if you wish to have max gold or a bunch of equipment that is not what i do it may be a by product but not a direct choice on my part so thats just extra perk if you choice me to help you please add me on Discord. Silent#6590 only add if you are ready and serious to do business please do not hastle with me just let me do my job and pay when all done on what we agree ahead of time. P.S. Depending on your order and when you give it to me order will be done i will keep updating you as levels go there is no cancellation during your order once you agree. i put 1 to 72 hours but if you are higher level then more time may be needed. I am also down to help you as a partner if need be i have level 70 storm and level 70 fire ready to help you finish levels or worlds up to zafaria. The requirements for my services is for you to have a 40 plus mount at the ready or willing to rent one with gold for 7 days also full membership or areas already unlocked all other details will be in discord please Pm there again its.
    Silent#6590 thank you for your time in reading this i hope to see you soon
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  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

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  3. cooley

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    how much for a level 50?
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  4. wyatteee

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    level 70 account to help carry up to 60? lol...
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  5. OP

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    late response but now i got a max for higher level wizards but i tend to use level 60 or 70 if you want to partner up as to not take away game experience but any questions i am more than happy to answer on my discord my ad here is a bit outdated on prizes but similar none the less totally up to talking and seeing what type of service you want if i do not do them i can always find someone who does i am a more direct and quicker middleman than here so please add me in discord....

    silent#6590 will look forward to working with you!
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  6. OP

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    add me on discord to get more info about prizes and to truly understand what you need from our services have a wonderful day.....

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