Hello, I am looking to sell my skyblock account. Here are the general stats: The main item on the profile is a soul bounded wither impact hype. There's also a soulbounded 655 drill, as well as unsoulbounded divans armor that has 6 unlocked amber chambers. There's unsoulbounded 3/4 mossy fermento and mossy ranchers boots, as well as a soulbounded 600m collection nether wart hoe. Other general stats: HOTM 9, about 340k xp away from 10. EDIT: 3.5m/4.2m/4m powder as well. Garden 15, most unique visitors dealt with. There's L-R farms built for pump/melon. Mega farm built for wart and wheat. Wart milestone is maxed. 1B purse, and other general assorted pets, accessories (787 MP), etc. Cata 41, Combat 59, Farming 52 (enough overflow for nearly 55), Mining 57, Fishing 27. There's 29 minion slots unlocked. Hex is also unlocked, so all of the donations up to milestone 8 are complete. Account is VIP and fame rank is Ambassador. This is a you go first deal, and I'm asking 300. If you want the skycrypt, add me on discord: csdaddev.