Selling   High End HW Web VIP15 Gold league guild Nr 1 (always) max titans (incl. totems), Khahrk team

Discussion in 'Hero Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jankrieger, 12/21/21.

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  1. jankrieger

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    I'm selling my HW Web account on server 18. I'm in the gold league in a guild, which is always Nr 1 week by week. I have max titans (incl. totems) and I run a Kharkh team (ca. 669k power). I have also invested to other heroes, I haven't only this heroes: Kai, Luther, Ishmael, Cleaver. I have a total hero power of 1024k power.

    I offer this account for 4.000 USD. Note, that I spent about the twice for the account (especially the totems weren't that cheap), so this is the minimum price.

    If you need some screenshots, just ask for it.
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