Selling  Android and iOS  High End Hustle Castly Thone lvl10

Discussion in 'Art of Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Queen of blades, 12/25/18.

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  1. Queen of blades

    Queen of blades
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    This is advanced lvl Account. Not a high leaderboard account.
    Throne is lvl 10 but is not maxed out Castle.
    6 units lvl 85. with slight mode in progress to make a team of 100, 85, 85,85, 90, 80
    This will do wonders in arena. Already setup to be 1st place winner in arena regularly.
    Team Power runs Approximately 1.9 million.
    Excellent Gear with multiple skeleton suits 3x
    Tons of Legendary Gear, Epic Gear.
    Gems range from green to purple. Most on main fighters are blue gems to purple gems.
    Currently team leader, Active account still growing
    Hundreds of dollars spent on building Account and a years worth of aggressive playing.
    I do run bots on game and would give bots to buyer if desired.
    3x runes
    Many skins
    2 pets
    13 Artifacts
    Facebook. linked
    about 600+ game friends linked to Facebook. and never not get the daily gifts
    Currently holding;
    53 purple shards
    981 blue shards
    108 arena tickets
    8k arena valor
    67 legendary gears
    86 Epic gears
    Discord Guide Access Comes with Account (I wrote tons of guides to help noobs ect to play game.)
    As advanced player I have setup account to maximize the income of gear from arena and not go into more advanced play where the pros rule with massive spending. Buyer can take this account to lvl 100 with little ease. But then Arena will become a issue and all items will need to be farmed from events or portal.

    Asking $950 USD
    Payable thru Middleman.
    Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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