Hello, One my friend would like to stop playing Hustle Castle game. She is playing now, but she'd like to sell her account. At the moment the account has: Rooms: Throne Room: 10 level Barracks: 6 level (i.e. 6 warriors) Training room is updating to max level Power: Squad power: 5,261,482 Hero's power: 2,536,400 Shards: 684 purple 182 blue Dwellers Warriors: 85 level All dwellers are 5 stars Runes Armor: all 3 runes for 85-89 level Weapon: all 3 runes for 85-89 level Artifact (from current event): None Also there are several legendary items and artifacts for 85 level. I will add pictures if somebody is interested. Also you may ask any questions about current equipment in comments. If you'd like to check current equipment of the squad: Account name: Cheshire88 Current clan: ~XANADU~
There are some troubles with facebook. account unlinking at the moment. Probably because a lot of questions to HC support related to in-game event... There is one person who interested in the account. However payment was not made yet.