Huge clue to # RF!!!!

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    i was playing with the rumblefighter folder and i found out that if i delete all of the files in it but the launcher it wont work. But if i put a file called RumbleLauncher then it automatically downloads everything. if you open the RumbleLauncher you see it say





    FILE = *****************************************************

    if you go to the file and open the download it shows all the files in the game. maybe there can be a way to change the FILE.

    Hope this helps.

    This isn't going to help you # anything.

    yes it is so if you wanna change somthing in the ress folder or somthing the game wont make a new one of it... just try to change somthing. the game will automatically restore it!

    Good luck with that. Unless you know reverse engineering, you're not going to be able to change the source that the RF launcher downloads from.

    At least you have the satisfaction of thinking you found some huge discovery? haha

    lol wow this topic is a waste of space.

    Utterly insulting to call this a # technique. Though, I have to admit, the File would come in handy sometime in the future if I may want to take a hand at making my own data. ;]
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