Selling HUGE Account for sale! lvl 109 Lots of 5* +...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy and Sell, 10/2/14.

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  1. Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    HUGE Account for sale! lvl 109 Lots of 5* + Remotes!! *Have all 22 vehicles to max lvl *Name change and point reset available Queen Evo1 sk20 Leia Sniper Evo 1 sk20 4/7 Padme SAW 4/7Padme SAW 4/7 JJB Anakin TFO Obi Wan LOTO Aurra Sing JJB Mace (locked) Senator Palp (locked) 3 + 4* Notables 8/15 Barriss Offee 8/15 Aurra Sniper sk33 8/15 Slave Leia sk40 8/15 Padme Amidala sk40 8/15 Aayla Secura sk40 8/15 Padme Amidala (in disguise) sk40 8/15 Leia Organa sk40 8/15 Leia Organa (Princess in captivity)(locked) sk39 8/15 Bail Organa PM me any fair offers! Thanks! 1) Pm me for a trade and I shall give you my PayPal email. 2) Go to PayPal. Select the "Send money" tab. 3) Enter my email address. 4) Enter the amount for the purchase. 5) Select the option "I'm sending money to: Family or friends". 6) Please add the following message to the payment. ** Payment for (...card) in SWFC game. I am (Username). I completely understand these are virtual goods and I agree that no refunds or returns are allowed. ** 7) I'll check my PayPal to confirm payment. 8) I'll send you my ID and password and the entire account is yours.
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  2. OP
    Jeremy Landis

    Jeremy Landis
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    is it still available if so could u send me a message with how much u would take to 414-658-375 'the chosen one'?
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  3. OP
    Karl Stringer

    Karl Stringer
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    Pm me I. Facebook. with what u will take and we can do a deal. Ty
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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