Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Selling my platinum 1 account cause i no longer enjoy the game: 3859 ip - 85 rp Gold season two borders in soloq + ranked 3s. 99/110 champs 755 ranked games Skins ---- Legandary: Aether kayle battlecast chogath Blood lord vladimir Brolaf Victorious janna No longer sold: Dragon knight mordekaiser Leopard nidalee Frozen shen Nottingham ezrael Phantom karthus Badger teemo Other skins: Abyssal nautilus acolyte lee sin archlight varus artic ops kennen Asylum shaco Bandit sivir Battle bunny riven Blight crystal varus Bloodmoon akali boom boom blitzcrank Iblitzcrank Chosen master yi commando j4 Debonair jayce Dragon trainer lulu Dragon slayer vayne Dragon slayer J4 Dreadknight nasus Dyrad soraka Foxfire ahri Freljord ashe frozen ezrael frostfire annie Frozen terror nocturne Full metall jayce General wukong Glaive warrior pantheon Golden alistar guerilla tristana Hot rod corki Ironscale shyvana Jailbreak graves jaximus Jurassic kogmaw Lil slugger trundle Marble malphite Musketeer twisted fate Muay thai lee sin Nemesis jax nightblade irelia Pentakill mordekaiser Redeemed riven Resistance caitlyn Runewars renekton Sandstorm katarina Shockblade zed Soul reaver draven Traditional lee sin Valkyre leona Warring kingdom xin zhao white mage veigar Winged hussar xin zhao woad king darius Reason for selling the account, is that i no longer enjoy the game If any questions, ask them here or add brobeansqt on skype.