Selling HQ21 27 Million account for sales in state #152...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wong Jia Cheng, 4/26/16.

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  1. Wong Jia Cheng

    Wong Jia Cheng
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    HQ21 27 Million account for sales in state #152 ARAS $200 XO lv49 troops( around 300k of t3) farm iron quarry and oil building 21lv hq, warehouse, training ground, radar station, bank 21lv Prison and death row 17lv war room 16lv gold around 30K in top 1 alliance of Aras now(holding CP) via PayPal only and let go with only USD 200 feel free to email via [email protected] or line id:wjc2907 or fb msg me for more information.
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  2. OP
    Md Rofikul Islam

    Md Rofikul Islam
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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