Selling Hq19 account for sell. State SAHD 202 *VIP...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bryan Hall, 5/6/16.

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  1. Bryan Hall

    Bryan Hall
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    Hq19 account for sell. State SAHD 202 *VIP prestige lvl 8. 57 day streak. 56 days remaining. *Currently building HQ20. *10.5m power. *Has over 1m in commander energy. *Researching rebel lvl 4 now. *Commander is almost to lvl 48. *In top 10 alliance, sister with #1. *Many many war buffs and production buffs. *Full auto mode and gift mode. *233k troops. 100k+ t3, 100k t2. *Many many materials. Lots of lvl5/6 materials. *Lots of traps. (Sorry if you have been playing you know how long these take). *Comes with hq14 food farm. Produces right under 1m food a hour. This is an actual account. It was not built to be sold. Was actually played. I could just use the money. Asking: $150. I will put more pics in comments. I will only do PayPal and not friends. I want us both covered.
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