Sold HQ/CC32 272M power, High Rank Gold Flags/Crew, Top Nebula(N19), Top Alliance

Discussion in 'Infinite Galaxy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Beefcake, 3/26/23.

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  1. Beefcake

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    This is a unique opportunity to buy an account that will allow you to join a top nebula (N19) and top alliance. This account puts you in a position to compete with the best in all cross-nebula events (Oceans, Crusade and Summit). With all of the gold flags and crew and you will be able to be immediately competitive in all battles for a fraction of the time and cost it would take to build yourself, an excellent value!

    Account Details:

    CC/HQ: 32 (ready for CC33 once the signular is collected) + 5 farms (all CC/HQ 23)

    Total Power: 270M+

    VIP: 13

    Core Level: 53

    Carrier Level: 15

    Fighting Flagships (Rank): Hades (14-3), Odysseus (12-3, 70bp from 13-0), Titan (12-0), Artemis (12-0), Prometheus (12-0), Theseus (14-3), Brontes (14-3), Orion (14-2)

    Gold Crew (Rank): Laura (14), Molly (14), Bruno (14), Rubbia (13), Ashim (13), Yiling (13), Shire (13), Bolt (12), Paul (9), Pearson (9), Greg (7), Yanbi (2), Claude (1)

    Rank 15 (maximum rank) Purple Crew: Goodman, Amelia Irving, Helen, Robbie, Hu XiangFei

    Purchase Options: Direct Payment (paypal, venmo or bitcoin) or can use payment escrow service (buyer pays all applicable fees)

    PM me for more details
    #1 Beefcake, 3/26/23
    Last edited: 3/27/23
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