HQ 21 Commander level 50 VIP Prestige 3, Level 6 (247 days remaining) 22,151,859 Power 27,007 Gold away from Gold Streak 13 Over 6 million Alliance Credits to spend in Store 130k T3 Troops 10 Farms (1 level 21, others level 20) 5 Oil Wells (1 level 21, others level 20) 5 Quarries (1 level 21, others level 20) 5 Iron Mines (1 level 21, others level 20) 4 Banks (1 level 21, others level 20) 4 Hospitals (1 level 21, others level 20) 4 Training Grounds (1 level 21, others level 20) 1 Wall level 20 (Building Advanced falls; Infrared Missile Turret) 1 Stockroom level 21 1 Radar level 21 1 Depot level 21 1 Embassy level 20 1 Research Facility level 20 1 Hero Gallery level 20 1 Factory level 20 (it's building up to 21 right now) 1 Prison level 16 1 Death Row level 16 1 War Room level 16 1 Vault level 2 (Purchase 20,000 Gold and get level 3) 1 Shooting Range level 1 (max) EXTRA'S VIP Prestige 4 Token in Items 25 million of Food, Oil, Stone and Iron in Items 100 million + Commander-XP in Items 2,000 + Golden Cuffs in Items 2,000 + Golden Bullets in Items 5,000,000 + Energy in Items 110 Daily Chances in Items 109 Alliance Chances in Items 94 VIP Chances in Items 4 Shields of 8 hours in Items 3 Shields of 24 hours in Items 3 Shields of 3 days in Items 120 + Attack Boosts in Items 90 + Defend Boosts in Items 75 x 24 Hour Advanced Combat Research Speed Up in Items 50 x 24 Hour Manufacturing Research Speed Up in Items 11 x 24 Hour Combat Research Speed Up in Items
UPDATE VIP Prestige 3, Level 6 (253 days remaining) 23,186,354 Power Over 7 million Alliance Credits to spend in Store 167,500 Troops (12.5K T2 Troops | 25K T2 Advanced Troops | Remaining are T3 Troops) Factory level 21 Prison Level 17 Death Row level 17 War Room level 17 1,000 + Golden Cuffs in Items 1,000 + Golden Bullets in Items 121 Daily Chances 114 Alliance Chances 130 + Attack Boosts in Items 100 + Defend Boosts in Items 32 x 24 Hour Advanced Combat Research Speed Up in Items (did some research for you)
UPDATE VIP Prestige 3, Level 6 (258 days remaining) 28,070,064 Power Over 10 million Alliance Credits to spend in Store 392,500 Troops (43.75K T1 Troops | 12.5K T2 Troops| 242.49K T3 Troops | 93.75K T2 Advanced Troops) Wall level 20 (fully builded with Advanced Infrared Turret) Hero Gallery is building up to level 21 as we speak (7 days remaining) Prison level 18 Death Row level 18 War Room level 18 None Food, Oil, Stone and Iron in Items anymore (used for building, training and research) 147 Daily Chances 142 Alliance Chances 2 Shields of 24 hours in Items 1 Shield of 3 days in Items None Research Speed Ups anymore (only 50 x 24 hours Manufacturing Research Speed Up)