Selling HQ 19 - 27M power - T3 - 44k gold - EAAF #86 $54...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jamie Carpenter, 6/24/16.

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  1. Jamie Carpenter

    Jamie Carpenter
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    HQ 19 - 27M power - T3 - 44k gold - EAAF #86 $54 Selling my HQ 19 - 27m Power - T3 account, comes with food production gear + few other bits (construction speedup etc) State = EAAF #86 , in AXIM (one of the branches to the ruling alliance which is S13) , we've never lost a SVS battle against any other states, we actually just thoughts CORS and beat them the other week ago (they're the current Supreme Commanders to the GCP) Has roughly 750k t3 troops with a few t2 (about 50-75k) i had orginally planned on going LAVs and Inf but you can do whatever you want with them Prestige 1 - Level 10, 170 odd days of VIP remaining on the account so no need to worry about rebuying (been saving points up for next prestige) Comes with 44k Gold and a great amount of the research already done - i've brought a few packs but not many, im not really a spender on mobile games but the alliance im in are, they spend money every day and buy upto around 300 alliance gifts Im not looking for much money - would like maybe about £40 as i have been playing on this account on a daily basis and trying to research up to t4 - if you want more pics then pm me, ill be donating half of the money to my mum's charity Lex's Legacy - further questions can be sent to me
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