How to use/work menu hacks. [XP]

Discussion in 'Sudden Attack Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/28/14.

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  1. Games

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    hi guys

    I decided to write up a little tut on how to work these complex alot of people seem to be asking.


    What you will need will be:

    Winrar or Winzip - (google and download one of these, they will be able to read and open the hacks/files you download)


    These are the only things you will need other than the game and the #.

    Step 1. Download #/s and save to desktop.

    Step 2. Extract file you just downloaded somewhere where you will be able to find it. (I save to desktop easiest place to find it for me.)

    Step 3. Open your injector type in "suddenattack.exe" into "what to playerup" and click on "auto playerup" then leave open. (if you want click on "close after injection")

    Step 4. Start up sudden attack

    Step 5. When game starts most menu hacks will already be on, appearing in top left hand corner in a box. If there isn't a box with hacks then press insert, if nothing shows up you did something wrong and start again. If there is a box Just leave it there and log in, go to desired room, join game then once in use arrow keys to navigate the menu. Down arrow moves you to the # you want and left and right arrows turn it on or off.

    Step 6. Once happy with the # that you want to use press insert to hide the menu box, press insert to show the box again if you want to change something.

    These steps are just steps that i take when I'm using hacks, and are here to help those who are tired of being # on and have come looking for hacks.

    I understand that some of you may do things differently, thats great. I'm just flabbergasted(wow thats the biggest word in my vocab...lmao) at how many people have asked how we use the hacks.

    Hope this has helped you newbies. Peace.

    If i missed something let me know or post it.

    This tutorial is only for xp users, Vista and Win 7 users will be slightly different.


    ??? ????? ??????? ???????1??? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ????????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ? ??? ??????? ???????????

    wtf i can understand u are u korean or no?

    i can understand fine, he probably have no diea what YOUR ARE SAYING

    you disgracefull korean -.-

    Gae Jjok palim...

    ???????????????? ??

    but i want bypass
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