How to SE mad catz. (easy) , (big profit)

Discussion in 'Marketing Other Services For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by proman321, 9/27/16.

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  1. proman321

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    How to SE madcatz a step by step tut by me.

    STEP 1: choose your product. in this case i choose the strike 7 keyboard because its one of their most expensive products. (about 300$ each)

    STEP 2: say something along the line of "hello. i recently purchased the mad catz strike 7 keyboard from amazon for my son's birthday. but when it came i noticed that my computer doesn't recognize the keyboard. i tried with several times with different computer but the issue still persists. i also tried all trouble shooting tips on your website but still no success.
    my son was very disappointed when he saw this because he wanted this keyboard for a really long time and when it came it was broken. i hope you can help me with this.

    STEP 3: they will reply with something like this

    STEP 4: tell them that the keyboard just doesn't work without the power supply. when they ask u to provide a pic of the USB and Programming Support in Device Manager.
    just use the pic they attached and remove a couple devices in photoshop.

    STEP 5: give them a fake receipt and a pic of the keyboard with the case number (get a pic of the keyboard of the internet). u can do that quite easily in photshop. (u can use the same pic about 3 times just put in a different case number)


    STEP 6: profit$$$

    credit goes to me.

    if you have any questions you can ask them in our discord server.
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