Well... I don't know how many people still go here, but here's a glitch I found a long time ago, that I just remembered about. All you have to do is: Go to the shop, Equip the items you would like to preview, (Except for the Scroll and Exocore) Equip any Scroll, (Either a scroll you'd like to preview, or a random scroll) Equip any Exocore, (Either an Exocore you'd like to preview, or a random Exocore) Straight from the shop, click Menu, Click Training/Any solo option At some times this doesn't work, you just have to try again in different orders till it does. This doesn't need # engine or anything. this doesnt work >_> Originally Posted by seagullman this doesnt work >_> You kinda just have to play around with the order. For example, I just did: Hair>Eyes>Mouth>Top>Pants>Gloves>Shoes>Exo>Scroll> Inventory Item, and it worked. Then I tried it again with different items, and it didn't work. I haven't really found out a 100% working method of this glitch. Great Job! This game got really boring after the # community died. But I still play lmao. Btw it does work, so dont flame him. Like he said you just gotta keep trying. Its kinda of like how when you lag on gem fighter and it reads someone elses character and u have all of their stuff equipped. for me it works if u pick exactly 5 things u dont have including the exo or scroll. i been using face items down the line then a scroll. or minus the mouth and adding an exo before the scroll. Originally Posted by [JDboy] Btw it does work, so dont flame him. Like he said you just gotta keep trying. Its kinda of like how when you lag on gem fighter and it reads someone elses character and u have all of their stuff equipped. hahahahahhha. seems like people are coming back 1by1. anyways ya. cool glitch. It works btw. Tiger you still have me on msn.