How to make hundreds selling CHEAP games [15-25$]

Discussion in 'Ebook for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Nazgul, 6/11/17.

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  1. Nazgul

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    I apologise in advance for the shitty english.
    Features of the Spreadsheet:


    • If you want to start selling games on G2A it will take a minimum investment of 25$, you can start even lower but the more the better.
    • Time is connected with the investment, the more you invest the more time you have to put in.
    • Check prices, analyzation and time are required if you want to start making a profit of selling games.
    • The Method one requires a bit of creativity and you may have to trial&error it.
    • The methods can be applied even on other marketplaces, so if you want to sell games it doesn't have to be especially on G2A.


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