How to Install .dxt skins.

Discussion in 'Sudden Attack Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/28/14.

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  1. Games

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    So.... this is a instructions on how to install SANA skins.

    .rez files are easy, you can just place them in the sudden attack folder.

    But, .dxt files a complicated.


    INSTRUCTIONS for .dxt

    1. Download all the files you need.

    2. Go to your Sudden Attack folder, which mine is "C:Program FilesGameHi_USASuddenAttackNA"

    A fast shortcut would be just right click on the Sudden Attack icon -> properties -> find target.

    3. Replace the Gvi.dat files in the SA folder with the newly modified gvi.dat file you just downloaded. Make sure you *replaced* the old gvi file.

    4. Close all your SA stuff, and start Sudden Attack

    5. SA should be starting to patch itself. it'll go from downloading to updating. this is normal, so just wait.

    6. When the laucher says "updating" and the loading bar is at 80%, click start->run and enter %temp%.

    7. A folder should open with bunch of random files. You now have to find a folder with a name of 8 random letters. When you find it, make sure the folder was just created.

    8. Once you are in the folder, go to game->sa_weapon->skins->pv

    9. Now replace the glove and sleeve file attached to this thread. Make sure you *replaced*

    10. Wait for the SA launcher to finish loading. And then click start game.

    firt edit gvi.dat open in notepad

    change CURR=200812241342 to CURR=200412241342

    find REZ_SA_WEAPONS and edit from VERSION=200802131436 to VERSION=200402131436

    and ./game/sa_weapons/models/bulletshells/|200603031908|4781

    edit to


    save and start launcher.exe

    When the laucher says "updating" and the loading bar is at 80%, click start->run and enter %temp%. find sa_weapon->skins->pv

    now you will see file .dtx

    if you want edit dtx file download dxt fomat to edit in photoshop

    when downloaded coppy MSVCIRTD.DLL MSVCRTD.DLL to

    Adobe Photoshop CS3-->Plug-Ins-->File Formats

    and let's edit

    i think you understand

    Originally Posted by darkvava1912

    firt edit gvi.dat open in notepad

    change CURR=200812241342 to CURR=200412241342

    find REZ_SA_WEAPONS and edit from VERSION=200802131436 to VERSION=200402131436

    and ./game/sa_weapons/models/bulletshells/|200603031908|4781

    edit to


    save and start launcher.exe

    When the laucher says "updating" and the loading bar is at 80%, click start->run and enter %temp%. find sa_weapon->skins->pv

    now you will see file .dtx

    if you want edit dtx file download *** fomat to edit in photoshop

    when downloaded coppy MSVCIRTD.DLL MSVCRTD.DLL to

    Adobe Photoshop CS3-->Plug-Ins-->File Formats

    and let's edit

    i think you understand

    I cant do the thing u said my launcher update 2 fast, when ever it reach to 50% it suddenly go to 100%. So I cant find the dtx file. Help please!!!
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