Selling How To Grown An instagram. Account

Discussion in 'Twitter OG Usernames for Sale - Buy OG Names' started by Market - General Sellers, 1/7/19.

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  1. Market - General Sellers

    Market - General Sellers
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    Smelly’s Social Media Growth Tips + Botting Service

    On this thread I will be talking about how to grow an instagram. account. First off we’re going to start with instagram.. Growing Instagrams from scratch can be very challenging, but here’s some tips on how to grow a fresh account without botting. First ask people within the same niche of to add you to “Engagement Chats”, these DM groups are where every time you post in the chat you write, “Just posted, like + comment 3 times!”. Then the people in the chat will do that and you’ll return it. This is one of the easiest ways of getting actives. Another way to get some likes on instagram. is to use hashtags, instagram. allows you to use 30 tags. If you post about animals have hashtags like #cat, #dog, #cute, #puppy, #kittens etc. You can get these hashtags easily off these apps & websites:
    Apps: Google Play Store Link
    For Apple just look up the name, can’t link.
    Here is some helpful YouTube Videos for Growing instagram.’s:

    Botting Service’s:

    I can bot your posts by 15 likes everytime you post. You can just comment your username and I’ll do this for free! :)
    Here are some free apps to use that I’ve used before. Some of these apps you need “coins” and to get these coins you can watch ad’s or download apps. I will only be linking Google Play Store links, if you’re on Apple just search it up on the App Store.
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