Selling How to Grant Delegate Access to your Gmail Account?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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    Grant Delegate Access to your Gmail Account

    This should be helpful for at least a few. Gmail's new add-on feature for delegate access for your mail.

    Read this over here >> Grant access to your account - Gmail Help

    You can delegate access to your Gmail to another person so they can read, send, and delete messages on your behalf. For example, you can delegate e-mail rights to an admin in your organization, or you could delegate your personal email access to your spouse. The delegate can also access the other person's contacts by clicking the Contacts link. Clicking the To, Cc, or Bcc links in the mail compose window will also bring up your contacts.

    You won't be able to give anyone permission to change your account password or settings, or chat on your behalf. Also, you can specify up to 10 users. Here's how:

    Click the Settings link, and select the Accounts tab.

    Under 'Grant access to your account,' click the Add another account link.

    Enter the email address of the person you'd like to access your account and click Next Step.

    You'll see a confirmation message. Click Send email to grant access if you're sure.

    The delegate will receive a verification email explaining that you've granted access to them.

    -After the delegate confirms this request, it may take up to 30 minutes for the verification process to be completed. To see if the delegate has confirmed access to your account, look at the Accounts tab in Settings

    Any messages someone else sends from your account will have your name listed in addition to the other person's name, so they'll show the sender as: Your Name (sent by Delegate).

    If someone has granted access to their account to you, you can access it by clicking the down-arrow next to your email address in the upper-left corner. Select your delegate's email address from the drop-down menu.
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