How to get easy boxes and stat hacks

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Well, this is like a more amped up version of Sparks thread.

    Download the stuff first because i'm gonna try to go through it with u.

    And i did these spoiler to keep things neat and tidy :D

    Credit to Sparks for this idea (GzP)

    Credit to Muazam for the actual # (atlava)

    Credits to Poudy finding a way to make it work w/o dc(atlava)

    Credits to Sora2o the multi client program (atlava)

    Spoiler for DOWNLOADS:

    Atlava Backpack - mediafire/?37ff3pd3s8rdaf7

    Pangya Injector - mediafire/?5jzpugrcwgppe48

    Process Explorer (for multiclient) - download.cnet/Process-Explorer/3000-2094_4-10223605.html

    Spoiler for Stat and chest tutorial:

    1. Log onto ogLauncher

    2. Start up the injector

    3. at the top bar of the injector erase the text and type in Rumblefighter

    4. Click add Dll and put in the backpack

    5. check autoinject and close after playerup

    6. start rumblefighter

    7. click the @ sign of the backpack and recieve sets

    8. check mark everything except for tail

    9. add a new entry for the tail and shoes, title them lucky charm [3043144]

    10. now check mark it

    11. have fun bmoding =3

    Spoiler for How to Run Multiclient:

    1. Download Process Explorer

    2. open up rf go to my info or wherever

    3. open Process Explorer

    4. go down the process list to find Rumblefighter

    5. highlight it and press Ctrl+L

    6. look for these under the mutant category "wpavkdlxjabxprtm" "wpavkdlxjabxprtm2"

    7. Close both handles (right click and press close handles)

    8. close process explorer

    9. have fun getting chests all by ur lonesome self.

    ---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

    YAY my thread is SO ALIVE! :D

    The two mutex names give me an idea...

    what do u mean mutex o-o;

    and how is ur chase for sage going ? :D

    not working

    Originally Posted by skmoney

    not working

    "Not Working" wdf do u mean by that, at what point did the # fail o-o

    ---------- Post added 08-06-2011 at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-05-2011 at 11:06 PM ----------

    so many leechers qq, 76 views no posts D=

    I For One, tried this, and it works amazing. Also, Easy Exp Farming!

    Error with Process explorer. After step 5 on multiclient tut, there is nothing that shows up. Blank... Otherwise the backpack and injector work fine. :]

    I'm trying the stat # and i get to step 6, wheres the @ sign on the backpack? is there a window with the backpack thats supposed to popup?

    Originally Posted by juanharmon

    I'm trying the stat # and i get to step 6, wheres the @ sign on the backpack? is there a window with the backpack thats supposed to popup?

    In the upper right corner, after clicking it look to the left of it and click the setsscrolldown, checkmark everything except for exo and scrolls unless ur muli clientin

    Originally Posted by Zackdude4

    Error with Process explorer. After step 5 on multiclient tut, there is nothing that shows up. Blank... Otherwise the backpack and injector work fine. :]

    You don't reall have to highlight it, just click it. if nothing pops up press ctr and L together at the same time, something should pop up underneath

    OwO doesnt work for me

    So i got till the ctrl+L part when i open its white then i click the rumblefighter.exe

    then after that it says error stuff down the white box

    SOZ D:
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