I'm thinking about maybe selling my account and quitting. Peak ascendant in EP8 and EP9 (If it highers the account value in any significant way, I can easily get the account immortal this act so lmk) Champions 2024 bundle, Arcane 2 bundle, Kuronami Bundle, Overdrive Bundle, RGX 3.0 Bundle, Singularity 3.0 Bundle, PRX classic capsule Classic: Glitchpop, VCT PRX 1 Shorty: Araxys Frenzy: none Ghost: Singularity and Gaia Sheriff: Overdrive, Kuronami and RGX Stinger: Overdrive Spectre: Kuronami Bucky: Overdrive Judge: Glitchpop Bulldog: Glitchpop Guardian: Reaver Phantom: 2024 champs, Neo Frontier, Recon, Ruination Vandal: Arcane, Kuronami, Singularity, Prelude, Overdrive, Gaia, araxys, Ion Melee: Arcane, Xenohunter, Kuronami, Overdrive, RGX, singularity Marshal: Kuronami Outlaw: RGX Operator: Glitchpop and Forsaken ares: none Odin: Prime I bought every single battlepass since EP7Act2, so thats 9 total. Edit: Total spending 980€ (EU region, germany) # #/Nyxtk_67 . .