Sold How does Oac run android Marshmallow

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Michael Sammy, 9/11/16.

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  1. Michael Sammy

    Michael Sammy
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    How does Oac run android Marshmallow?
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    Hex Oac

    Hex Oac
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    Like every other os.. Badly
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    Elfir Oac

    Elfir Oac
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    Good for me , it was even faster than on touchwizz version :)
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    George T. Sly

    George T. Sly
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    Mostly depends on device that you're using, some devices got marshmallow update but have poor specs, but oac coding gets worse and worse with each update so even high end devices after awhile get huge fps drops
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