How do you use your amazon cracked accounts?

Discussion in 'Marketing Other Services For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by loln007, 9/27/16.

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  1. loln007

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    Hey guys,

    I have been experimenting on the cracked accounts for a while, and I have not been successful at all. I get the refund part done properly. The problem occurs when I go to place an order and the account is then auto locked. Well, I could blame this on my shared VPN which I will soon be replacing with a Fresh Dedicated VPS/VPN for each account. I just wanted to know what works for you? I have used numerous methods albeit Kindle ebook method to transfer agc, changed the email/account info to lock the main user out, used SHARED VPN closest to the account holders address, called the rep to transfer the AGC etc etc. I have tried numerous methods but all went down the drain! Out of 5-6 accounts, I only got 1 working which was used on a dedicated Fresh VPS. Now I am not sure if it worked coz I was using a fresh IP or I just got lucky. I know people won't reveal their methods, but if someone could throw a light and let me know what works for them, it will be of great help to the community. If you don't want to reveal your methods, at least giving us a few pointers would suffice! Thanks in advance
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