Selling  How do I sell my account

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EddieJr86, 6/1/23.

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  1. EddieJr86

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    My Location:
    Only connected through Facebook. and my Apple ID, someone please help I have a great account, thank you
    I haven’t played in a few months and just jumped back on today, there’s also

    8.47B Gold
    1.49 Billion food
    231 diamonds and 322 unopened things in storage, mostly eggs of guys I don’t have and do I bought a lot of stuff and didn’t go through it all….but yea I have 2 Ancestral relics as well..

    I always focused on the best monsters over everything, same with runes I have those for days I’ll count them out etc, what do you guys think it could be worth too? I had to spend close to a grand over the many years.

    the pics cover a part obv not everything , tons of cells, you’d instantly be in the top 500 globally and up if you started grinding like I have been for years, where I left off

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    #1 EddieJr86, 6/1/23
    Last edited: 6/1/23
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