Pending How can I sell my Account in the first place?

Discussion in 'Help - Ask Support Questions' started by MajorM, 8/1/15.

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  1. MajorM

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    Hi there,

    I signed up here trying to sell my Jungle Heat Account (Android, if that matters).

    I was browsing the help section for 20 minutes, unfortunately there is no explanation how "Selling an Account" works in the first place. All it says is: Step 3: Finalize the transaction.

    If there is an answer to my question, then its well hidden.

    So my question is, how does it work? Isn't my account linked to my google account? When I find a seller, what kind of information do I give him and how does he log in? How does he make sure I'm not just keep using the account by logging in from my device again?

    Your help is much appreciated!
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