How can i get demoted?

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    I played with my friend and told him to keep pwning me, a hour past, but im sitll in the same channel, but my other friend did the same thign and he got demoted to beginner! i heard there's a channel glitch, how do i do it?

    how can i get back to beginner again?

    help pelase

    Idk...maybe you have to do SOME damage? o_O

    I get demoted to semi and promoted to pro on and off all the time. I got to beginner once when I let my 4 year old brother play on my account though...idk about the glitch or anything though.

    Simply lose enough times. Keep losing yet playing horribly.

    i did lost a lot, i made my low level friend keep beating me, but yet, im still in pro channel

    How many computers do you have?

    Try using the # Astreal created on AC tool. I left it on for one night and the diebot was an unused semi account which was demoted to beg by the next morning.
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