I saw the admin answer. Resolved - Most convenient Payment method | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. <-- here i can going this way Bitcoin (Any Exchange) if I enter the bit coin address in the Payment Email Address: Please enter a value that matches the required format. An error occurs. so what that mean Payment Email Address ?? should i entering my bit coin address in this form? Additional Payment Information: If so, what does email address mean? If the admin tells me how to change the way, I'll be able to pick up the money very quickly. Thanks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I solved this problem myself. There are various wallet and brokerage companies in the bit coin, and the meaning of the requested brokerage e-mail can receive the bitcoin by e-mail alone. also create a bit coin wallet within the brokerage comany fill out the wallet address on an i'm wrote additional form for my wallet address. I have no more questions. Now I just have to wait and believe. Thanks ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Put your email address in the email address and the bitcoin address in the additional information field.