Sold Hot mesmer/warrior lv 80 pvp ascension legend 50k+ value 11k ap, 1800+ unlocke

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Keaodeez, 2/24/17.

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  1. Keaodeez

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    Many Legendaries Unequiped HoT Mesmer/Warrior Lv 80 PVP Ascension Legend 50k+ account value 11K AP, 1800+ unlocked skins

    N/A server
    Lvl 80 PVP rank (The Ascension Legendary Wings)
    161 Mastery rank
    11k+ AP
    50k+ account value efficiency
    Unused Legendary --- 2xNightfury Skins, Eternity(Twilight+Sunrise), Bolt, Flamseeker, Kamohoali'i Kotaki, Meteorlogicus (can sell on TP)$300++ worth of unused items! -- Already equiped Bifrost and Ascension (pvp wings)
    1000+ GOLD in inventory
    Permanent Hair Stylist , Copper Feed O Matic, Royal Pass, Enchanted snowball, Babblehead Labortory,
    1800+ unlocked skins multi rare Skins (ie Winter's Presence) Electromagnetic Ascender/Decender , Shattered Bloodstone Glider and ascender
    Multi Rare Dyes and 2xGhostly Infusions

    Ascended Gear
    Full MESMER: Berserk Zojja's Mesmer
    Full Warrior: Berserk

    +++ alot more.
    You get all password and security, Already transfer to new email. You get that too.

    Looking for $500 -for years of time spent on gw2
    Feel free to ask questions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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