SSS Helia-3/4 S Coralie 3/4 SS Shigure Kira 0/4 SSS PROMETHEUS 0/4 SSS SUSANNNAH 0/4 SSS AI HYPERION 4/4 SSS LI SUSHANG 4/4 SSS GRISEO 4/4 SSS GOLDEN DIVA 4/4 SSS CAROLE PEPPER 0/4 SSS NATASHA CIOARA 4/4 SSS ELYSIA 4/4 SSS PRIZENSSIN 4/4 SSS HIMEKO MURATA 4/4 SSS HERSCHER OF THE VOID 4/4 +Magic Girld outfit SS Magic Girl 0/4 SS HoH 4/4 SS Hoh EGO(elysia) 4/4 SS Palantinus Equinox 4/4 SS Dea Anchora 4/4 SS Rosemary 0/4 SS ARGENT KNIGHT SS LUNAR VOW 4/4 SS SILVERWING 4/4 SS HERZSCHER OF THE REASON 4/4 SS HERZSCHER OF THE THUNDER 4/4 S THELEMA 4/4 S MISTELN 3/4 S MOUBIUS 4/4 S SELLE VOLLEREI (Red) 4/4 Elf: S Sirin S Durandal S Water Edge Astral op : S-Mc The plot of the first honkai is almost finished, I almost didn't touch the new plot at all, so the buyer will have a lot of new content to play Payment will be possible by PayPal or transfer to Revolut, or you can pay with cryptocurrency contact me via my discord to talk about details, I am the original owner, you get an account and exclusive rights The account will be transferred within 24 hours ID discord:325933119939149834 nostralkamiru or Email:[email protected]