HoN Legacy Account

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I am totally new at this site, but i am trusted at other trading sites.

    Selling this account for a reasonable price!

    Account has 1 subaccount.

    Content is as following:

    Turkey Zephyr (holiday)

    Santa Midas (holiday)

    Bunny Predator (holiday)

    Jollywood (holiday)

    Christmas Keeper (holiday)

    Legendary Valkyrie (gold collection)

    Gladius Beardicus (gold collection)

    Leprechaun Blacksmith (gold collection)

    Sachi Swiftblade (gold collection)

    Golden Pebbles (gold collection)

    Forsaken Strider (gold collection)

    Jade Giant Pebbles (limited edition)

    Dreadknight Salforis (early access)

    King Cthuluphant (early access)

    Queen Monarch (early access)

    Corporeal Shadowblade (early access)

    Panthera Gemini (early access)

    Lord Midas (early access)

    Centipedalisk (early access)

    Commander of Arms (early access)

    Jade Warrior (early access)

    Heavy Artillery (early access)

    Elder Riftwalker (early access)

    Zero (early access)


    Ninja Bubbles

    Mage Empath

    Nightmare Madman

    Ladybug Pestilence

    Female Pyromancer

    Steam Flux

    White Lotus Silhouette

    Grim Reaper

    Mountain Tundra

    Captain Flint

    Scorpion Magmus

    Phantom Defiler

    Dryad Warden


    Magus Bane

    Sub Zero Accursed

    Pimp Slayer

    Winston Charmadon

    Overseer Hellbringer

    MSIvy Slither

    Wretched Hottie

    Thor Thunderbringer

    King Ra

    Flint Boomstick

    Frost Rider

    Mr. Chipper

    Infernal Behemoth

    Ronin Swiftblade

    Demented Witch


    Gore Taunt


    ****** pack

    Pudding Pack

    Account Icons:


    Name Colors:

    Diamond Blue Color

    Gold Color

    Royal Tanzanite Color


    Flag - China

    Hero Alt - Corporal Shadowblade

    Hero Alt - Elder Riftwalker

    Hero Alt - Heavy Artillery

    Hero Alt - Jade Giant Pebbles

    Hero Alt - Zero


    amazing account with amazing content!

    get this legacy account before it's sold to another!

    I'm interested since it has Forsaken Strider... How much?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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