iam selling my hon legaccy accuont since i am from sud america i have to play in the sud america server and i dont want to so i am selling my accuont- (it wasnt transfered). PRICE: 30$ SENDME A MAIL IF U ARE INTERESTED TO : [email protected] /* */ or addme skype : agustin_barcia i dont really remember the stats but they were bewtwen 1450 - 1500 mmr kdr 2.0 and something lika that the accuont have some gold (150 ~ 170) like 900 silvers. Rat courier Velociraptor courier Gore Taunt Chiprel taunt Genttlemen / britanic anouncer It have a Custom Icon slot (to change the icon, to acustom what ever u want) it have all the riders alts (including the maliken one) now ill do a list of alts that i remember but prolly they are more. Wisdom armadon Infernal behemoth Mother of nature keeper Logger leggionare Alien predator Kangamonium Gay rampage (the unicorn one) Mountain tundra Adventurer gladiator EA - Berzerker EA - rally EA - GUNBLADE one from night hound (the tiger a like atl not the human) Ronin swiftblade Sexy Moonqueen Nomadin With zephyr Magus bane Girl Scout comando scout valkiria (the robotic one) Ea Draconis Dryad warden Kuza blacksmith (the urs one) Pollywog chieftain Vigilante vindicator Queen monarch Onidevourer Steampunk electrician Crustace craken Scorpion magmuse Garbagore King ra Gran father chronos Shark blood hunter Girl Slither Madman the kruger alike Queen aracna Conde damper Ea geminy girl demented chaman Velocirraptor vodo jester Pupet master atl Wreched hottie Ice plaguerider Zen long myrmidon Ea gravekeeper nIGHTHOUND 2 kins the coolest ones iron man flux butcher moraxus and trust a lot more of skins but i cant remember ! Hey Im Intrested In Your Accout Add Me Skype Godistor hotmail [email protected] /* */ are you swe :O? bump still have it yeah still have this sendme MP or mail to [email protected] /* */ skype: agustin_barcia