Hon Account. (legacy + Avatars and more) as the topic says, selling my HoN account, was created in 2009. heres a list of Alt avatars(the special ones): Cyber Scout (Ultimate Scout Avatar) Wrath Hocus Pocus (Limited Edition Wretched Hag) Execution Legioneer (Limited Edition Legion) Warlord Rally (EA Limited Rally) Mecha Gemenie (EA Limited Edition Gemenie) Dreadknight Salforis (EA Limited Edition Salforis) MSivy Slither (Limited Edition Slither) Jollywood (Christmas Limited Deadwood) Cristmas Keeper (Christmas Limited Keeper of the forest) *Please note that i have over 60 Avatars over all, i just mentioned the Limited Edition ones* Heres screenshots capturing everything on the account: *the account also contains alot of Symbols and crap like that that i wont mention* i will accept payments over PayPal, Prices are Negotiateable so if you are interested, please contact me on skype: SoulRus911. Thnx, and have a nice day ^_^ (REPOSTING FROM MY OLD SINCE I CANNOT EDIT IT TO INSERT THE SCREENSHOT > bump Hi there, I was wondering if you could send me snapshots of the items in your account to my email address? Please contact at [email protected] /* */ . Thanks and have a nice day. bump, sent ya the snapshot. bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump