Sold HOLYWOOD 1,500 - Nasugbu Batangas Sniper...

Discussion in 'Dragon Nest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Raphael E Cielo, 5/19/16.

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  1. Raphael E Cielo

    Raphael E Cielo
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    HOLYWOOD ₱1,500 - Nasugbu Batangas Sniper SemiGeard lvl 90 Cauda Helm,Gloves,Shoes(+4,+7,+8) Coma Upper & LOwer Body(+9,+9) Cauda Long Bow & short bow (+11,+9) CC item Dest Camando Dress Green Tansia Short Vaper Corps Blue Mittens Vaper Corps BlueBooties Snobbish Maid Big Bow&Quiver (Epic) Elegant white wing Hero Argenta lvl 15 Jasmine lvl 20 Max (Rare) Elena lvl 2 (Rare) Heraldy All lvl 80 have Coma Sword IN storage HAve many Sub Character Seleana lvl 90 Semi Geard Cauda Helm and upper body +6 Felis Lower Body +6 Cauda Gloves And Shoes no PLus Cauda Staff and SpellBook +8 CC Item Passionate Cristmas Set (Helm To Heels) Friendly Maid Staff&Orb(Epic) Elegance White Wings Heart Decal Blue Sparkling ring 1pcs Brilliant Star Fragment Ring Silver Hunter LVL 71 Have Coma Cross Bow Smasher Lvl84 clean DA lvl 65 clean 7 lvl 50 below
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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