Here is my "Partial" list of what I own. 212 K Galadriels Tokens 117 Gandalfs Tokens 1.3 K Legolas Tokens 10 k Bards Tokens 9 K Thorins Tokens 21.5 K Tauriels Tokens More Than 31 K Mithril 71 K - 1 min speeds 37 K - 15 min speeds 111 K - 1 hr speeds 92 K - 2 hr speeds 85 K - 8 hr speeds 37 K - 15 hr speeds 22.3 K - 24 hr speeds 10 K - 3 days speeds 7.3 K - 7 days speeds 9 K - infinity speeds Has 1026 BILL Might More than 400 BILL might boxed ( plus there is might in un Around 1.5 Million chests to open All Recent new Gears! All recent gems! And Btw account is on most active server on Eladriel 245 IN RANK 1 ALLIANCE All Recent Mounts ( Elk, Boar, Tarpan, Western Wolf, Mounflon) All heroes Geared up Have more than enough battle runes or any other runes. So, there you have it and overall look on my account, pretty solid account. It's all ready and set to beat the tournament season. If you want any particular information on my account, install line app and add my user id - climax006 This all goes out for $ 680 Now if you want to negotiate, message me on line app.