Gear Details: Aransu 6 Razor, Celestial Emperor Ring and Earring Stage 10, Awakened Darkstorm Necklace Stage 3, Divinity Bracelet Stage 10, Horizon belt stage 1, King Gloves Stage 10, Awakened Tiger Soul Stage 1, True Virtuous Heart, Unleashed Pet Aura, Eternal Talisman, Songbird Soul Badge, 8 Set Demoncaller Soul Shield, and Awakened Dynasty Mystic Badge Stage 3. Other account details you may or may not care about: Account has 2 available name change vouchers and 1 additional character slot. There's an alt summoner with Aranus 3 and decent gear (the HM 18). Most of all other alts are geared enough for weeklies. If you have any questions or screenshot request, contact me on discord @Satan#6504