Trading HM(14) KFM for BM or BD

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shane Huggins, 5/6/17.

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  1. Shane Huggins

    Shane Huggins
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    Hi im trading my Hm(14) KFm for a BM or BD
    my kfm has:

    -Baleful stage 10. (6 slots) *3 heptas + 3 of each non-hepta gems so you can transmute and bump em all to heptas.*
    -Legendary Necklace stage 9 and Ring stage 10
    -2 sets of Legendary SS, Southern Tiger and Elder Kung ** Master.
    -Blue Moon Soul Badge
    -revelation mystic soul badge
    -All hongmoon skills unlocked
    -3771 Achievement points
    - Legendary pet Awakened stage 8
    -HM soul stage 7

    In overall has 921ap (due to elemental ring I use and pinnacle bracelet for more crit dmg)
    He can hold 70+dps or maybe more if you know how to play wind properly.
    Great account for end game material and all im looking for is a BM with at **least** 900ap and stage 4+ soul same goes for BD. Screenshot_170506_003.jpg
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