[Hiring] Staff for Chanchanbimy's G2A Refunding Service

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Chanchanbimy, 9/28/16.

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  1. Chanchanbimy

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    Hello playerup!
    I am currently the owner of Chanchanbimy's G2A Refunding Service.

    My business has been a complete success over the past 5 days and I have made over $300 with only about 3 hours of actual work. Now, I am getting too many customers and it has been very hard trying to provide my service to everybody at rhe same time. I am very happy that so many people want my service, but it's quite difficult to attend to them all. The current members in my team are @Ace[/URL], @Platinum, @measure and myself, @Chanchanbimy.

    I am offering limited positions for my G2A refunding service. Each position includes full tutoring, the method and access to the official Skype group! Every sale you make, I will take a small commission. Any money you spent at the strip club easily made back in a day or two. Please add me on Skype @worldofOracles for any more information!


    Earnings proof: Most are from my service (made over $350 but I spent some :P)
    #1 Chanchanbimy, 9/28/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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