[Hiring] SilverAim | Hiring Developers |

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by SilverCancer, 1/16/17.

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  1. SilverCancer

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    Hello playerup!,

    The title says a lot of what I am wanting and, looking for below is some extra information!

    Hi there I am the owner of SilverAim we want to recruit developers, I have provided some

    requirements below, please make sure you can do the following.


    - D3D11 Knowledge

    - Decent Knowledge at Coding

    - Has done a # in the past

    More info will be provided in private message, to sum it up we are wanting a dev,

    to code a BF1 # that is upcoming, please message me with your offers we want a

    # with, Aimbot, ESP, etc.

    Contact Info:
    1. Reply or PM here
    2. Contact on my *******. "SilverCat ✓SAᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ#3489"
    Type that all in without quotes.

    NOTE: Yes I will be paying.

    Thank You,

    Silver - :)
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