[Hiring] Retail Fitbit SE'r

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by AuthenticRandom, 10/19/17.

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  1. AuthenticRandom

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    Looking for someone that can do Fitbits in RETAIL.
    I have two addresses, and I am willing to pay for as many as you can do (Two per address would be great, but if you can get 1 to each every month or something like that it'd also be cool). Also if possible to do them to P.O. boxes (Doubt it lol) then I can get you a ton.

    I'm paying $30 for Blazes and Alta HRs, and $25 for Charge 2HRS.

    Payment via AGC or ETH prefered but can do btc. I will go first to those with a *lot* of reputation, otherwise it's payment upon delivery, or tracking if you can prove it'll be retail.

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