[Hiring] PC GTA:O Insurance fraud

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Spinethetic, 10/1/16.

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  1. Spinethetic

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    Looking for a PC version GTA5:Online mod developer who can develop an undetectable mod where I can perform what is called "Insurance Fraud" on other players in the lobby/session.

    I'm paying $250 for its development and own personal use. Not to sell or give away. Must be undetectable against the upcoming 1.36 update when the time comes here in a few days. We can discuss further on Skype.

    Insurance fraud is where the modder (myself) drops a continious cycle of vehicles set to be personal and insured onto a player, the vehicle blows up and that player recieves bad sport points towards being put into bad sport lobby for a time period and a fine for the total value of each of the vehicles, usually an aircraft.

    Here are 3 yt videos showing the mod in action:

    From the modder's perspective:


    From the player's perspective who is being frauded:

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qpeKKmKvEh8 & https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RPhKKZ45gp8

    Please post here or PM me if you are skilled enough to develop this and a price, and I will reply back via PM or Skype if you wish further details.
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