[Hiring] Need graphic designers for a "Team"

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Gaar, 1/3/17.

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  1. Gaar

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    Hey all, I Am in need of graphic designers that can help me with customers when I get them. I have one of the largest graphic designer shops to date, but sometimes I can't keep up with all my orders or I don't have enough time to get the job done. I used to have a group like this before but I put the thread on hold a few months ago and since then lost contact with those people. You will be paid 60% of What Money I receive from customers. You can either go by my prices or your own, but I will not tolerate any designers that are stuck up and won't do said design over something insignificant like a dollar. All trades will done through me. You will not receive any money I will deal with payments and will pay you after you have done said design

    I need poeple that can:

    -Make thread designs.
    -Make signatures.
    -Make animated signatures and image titles.
    -Make IRL picture edits etc.
    -Make complex and quality designs.

    But you need to be able to do some of them.

    There are no pre-requirements to join other then you having a playerup profile and be able to Produce some previous work.
    You MUST have Skype in order to join because there Will be a Skype group.

    Add me on skype (live:gaarlution) Or by pressing this direct link to add me.
    #1 Gaar, 1/3/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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