[Hiring] I am looking for someone to lift the limits of my Paypal Account - 178 euros

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Bawsrawr, 2/21/17.

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  1. Bawsrawr

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    Here is my situation with Paypal.

    They have limit my account and they want me to send proof for 4 transactions from different people and what is the nature of the products and say:

    Describe the products and / or services associated with your
    If these transactions are not associated with sales of a site, provide
    Specific information about the nature of the transactions, including a
    Description of the products or services involved in such payments.
    Upload or fax the invoices for your purchase or
    Acquisition of the merchandise sold. This documentation should include information
    About your supplier and the date of purchase.

    Is there anyone who can help me with proof documents to send to Paypal?

    I have 178 euros in the account and will give you 50% if you can do this for me.

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