[Hiring] HIRING Social Engineers

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Freeze, 3/13/17.

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  1. Freeze

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    Hiring Social Engineers who can SE things with relative ease.

    I will be reselling the products thru playerup, you'll receive a 25% cut after shipping the product.

    You must not divulge any Private Info I'll be sending you to anyone else (other than fellow SE'rs under me)
    You musn't spam me since I have a social life and cannot be on Skype 24/7
    You should have your own resources.

    This should be the template of the friend request you send me on skype
    Instead of the default friend request message, you should send me with the following:
    playerup Profile:
    Product you can SE (including brand, it should be a link to amazon or a direct link to the store itself):
    Skype is playerup.4mccakes
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