[Hiring] Hiring Fitbit account crackers/sellers

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by BlueCow, 1/17/17.

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  1. BlueCow

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    Hey guys, I am in the need of some fitbit accounts for my fitbit service, and so if you can provide me with some accounts we can work together. Hire are my conditions, Need to be available at least one time per day, need to have good accounts for the following products(surge,charge2,blaze,alta,aria) and I will pay you up to 1€ per account. Also, I will not be buying in bulk, I will buy one account everytime I have an order so you need to have some regularly. May this is to much to ask for, idk but anyway if you meet these requirements we can definitely work together !
    Thank you for reading, hope you apply ;-)
    add my skype if you're interested: oscar.nigga2
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