Hiring Fitbit SE'rs | HIGHEST PAY | Hundreds per day

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Luverdark, 9/24/16.

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  1. Luverdark

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    I will be less active in the next couple weeks due to college starting.
    I need someone with experience who can SE Fitbits daily.
    I always pay on confirmation of the order. The money you earn is based on how much you work.

    My current service currently gets around 5 orders a day.
    You would be working with me and my other partner(s) to complete all the orders on time!

    Contact me on skype:

    Only professional and mature members will be hired for the job.

    I'm looking for long time members. I need people who can do a few orders everyday.

    Payment will be discussed on skype! Hmu
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