[Hiring] Fitbit Se'ers Charge 2 & Blaze

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Unbeatable24, 1/3/17.

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  1. Unbeatable24

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    Looking for workers to SE Charge 2 and Blaze. I already have 1 reputable member who works for me, and he is willing to prove that I am legit. Paying on when the order is processing. I've had people who ran away with my money when the order got canceled. Unless you're a reputable member with 2k posts than I am willing to pay on confirmation.

    2-3 spots available.

    Accounts are given if needed, but your pay will go down

    30 per order no accounts, w/accounts = 25 per order. They need to be done in a timely manner, or you will be cut. Have about 2-5 orders daily.

    Skype: live:danielkimchi789
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