[Hiring] Accounts Sales Partner Opposite Time Zone to Australia (UK, Ireland, Spain, Brazil)

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by avery217, 2/21/18.

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  1. avery217

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    I've recently found some great sources for accounts like Netflix etc, as well as Windows and Anti-Virus keys. I want to start a store on playerup to sell them, and I need a partner so that support can be provided around the clock. Pretty straightforward stuff.

    My experience/what I'm bringing:
    • I've been selling keys on eBay for a while now. Buyers on there can be horrible, so I've got a fair amount of experience under my belt.
    • As well as experience, I'm bringing a PayPal account (US verified).
    • I have $100 in funds for start-up costs.
    • Oh, yeah, and some sources for accounts/keys.

    Your role would be mainly customer support and sales. For this role, ideally you would have some experience dealing with customers, customer support, and making sales. Obviously you'll have to provide some proof, and I expect to provide some proof to you as well.

    If you know how to crack accounts and are willing to sell them to me in bulk, please also feel free to contact me.

    Profit splitting can be discussed, and it would depend on what you're bringing.

    If you're interested, comment here or add me on Skype: [email protected]
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