PHASE 2 SECRET KNOWLEDGE - Offence: 420/420 Health: 420/420 Towns: 440/440 Fortress: 340/340 Tier VIII: 286/286 Defence: 350/420 Hellheim minigame floors All maxed. 350+ billion enemies killed. hero lvl 70 PALACE LVL 40. PHASE 1 SECRET KNOWLEDGE - Attack. 400/400 Defence 400/400 Health. 400/400 melee gear maxed + legendary runes Cavalry gear maxed + legendary runes Melee ubba/fortress gear maxed + legendary runes Scout gear maxed + legendary runes Full building speed legendary runes and equipment for hero/shaman Full training speed legendary runes and equipment for hero/shaman Full rss yielding legendary runes and equipment hero/shaman Exclusive museum hero skin Trapper hero skin All but jot and weekly offence achievements maxed. All o.g skins maxed X2 new skins maxed 63 trillion resources - (35trillion silver) 30,603 x15 day boost 106,403 x7 day boost 97,638 x3 day boost 71,493 24h boost 507,728 15h boost 16billion troops in garrison 4 billion as t7 100m t8. To discuss the price contact me via Discord: Ghostface#7656